Sunday 3 September 2017

Back to the Minster

The next set of snickelways lead back to York Minster passed the great East Window to Stonegate. The East window is being restored under a huge multi million restoration projects which is almost complete.

Snickelway 14 - College St

This is the start of College Street, by the National Trust shop on Goodramgate. Walk down Colleg Street passed St William's College and then cross over to Queen's Path passed the stonemason area and to the square with the statute of Emperor Constantine.

Snickelway 15 - Queen's Path

Constantine was made emperor at York. He made a huge impact on Christianity and the Roman Empire. He was advised by his mother Helena. She was asked in a vision to find the true Cross in Jerusalem. She was instrumental in the founding of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which I have just visited (and the huge cistern she found - now at the Coptic (Egyptian) Church.

Next to the Statue is an old Roman column  

Snickelway 16 - Minster Gates

Go passed the column and head down Bookbinder's Alley (now called Minster Gates).

And notice the statute to Minerva (with the pile of books)

Snickelway 17 - Stonegate

Walk across cross the street to Stonegate (where they brought the stone for the Minster up from the river).

Stonegate is a beautiful street of interesting shops. About half way down there is a snickelway by "Ye Olde Starr Inne" to the coffee yard.

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