Friday 8 September 2017

St Mary's Church, Castlegate, York

St Mary's Church, Castlegate, York

It has taken me a while to realise that the snickelway walks that I had been doing had a greater significance. Read on:

Yesterday the walks had reached All Saint's church Pavement, and today I completed the sequence to St Mary's Church on Castlegate. This is significant as today is the anniversary of the birth of Mother Mary, all those years ago. On this auspicious day, I was guided I to perform a reconciliation ceremony to "redeem" and re capitulate the events in a lifetime many years ago which will bring about a resolution of the karma created on merging the Viking's beliefs with those of Christianity. This is a reflection of the events when I was torn between the old Viking mythology ( Odin and the other Gods) and the Christian faith that was co-evolving at the same time. I was also gifted the concept for a huge exhibition at St Mary's which is next to the Jorvik centre showing how the two systems merged as one. It will include the prediction or prophecy of a great moment of redemption which I believe we are in now - called Raganok in Viking norse systems and the Day of Wrath (Dies Irae) in Christianity. So my write up is on another website 

The next stage after this will be to continue the snickelway walks into the Clifford's tower area. This will involve the redemption of the karma created when a group of Jewish people were murdered in Clifford's Tower. Somehow the teaching of Jesus was misunderstood - "Love your neighbour as yourself" could not be any clearer?

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