Monday 7 August 2017

Holy Trinity Church

The next set of snickelways lead back up to Holy Trinity church.

The first one is mad alice lane. It is marked on the Low Petergate end, but not on the swinegate end.

Snickelway 11 - Mad Alice Lane

Snickelway 12 - Hornpot Lane

This snickelway looks to be part of Poundland, but is a super snickelway that leads to Holy Trinity church. It is closed on Sundays and Mondays (according to the book) but the day I tried it was originally locked as it was Monday, but later on near lunch time, it was open!

Holy Trinity is well worth a look. It has some interesting features - including the original boxes for pews. There are guides which are very helpful and provide lots of information about the church.

Snickelway 13 - Tonge's Court

This is the pathway from the Holy Trinity Church to the street (Goodramgate - named after Gutheran - 12th Century).

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