Monday 7 August 2017

King's Square & St Sampson's Square

The next set of snickelways from the book are leading up to King's square and then around St Sampson's Square.

Snickelway 7 - St Andrewgate

The King's square end of St Andrewgate has been restricted by bollards and so qualifies as a snickelway. 

Snickelway 8  - Newgate

Another busy footway that qualifies for the elevated status of a snickelway is Newgate which skirts the market and leads to Patrick Pool.

Snickelway 9 - Patrick Pool

Turn right into Patrick Pool and walk alongside St Sampson's church. Then head to St Sampson's square and right next to the Three Cranes pub, there is a snickelway - it is rather salubrious, graffiti, dustbins and so on.

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